comments inline.

On 10/25/07, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for your fast answer.
> Marcus Andree schrieb:
> > Maybe you'll have to compile a new kernel. There's an options(4) option
> > called tun. I had to add something like
> >
> > pseudo-device   tun   16
> I read something while googling for this issue that you had to add
> something like that for older versions of OpenBSD like before 3.6 or
> even 3.4.

Yep. It was some time ago.... ;)

> > on a kernel config file once. If I remember correctly, the default is the 
> > kernel
> > to allocate 4 tun channels. That would explain why it's failing in the 5th 
> > QEMU
> > guest.
> >
> > Don't forget that customized kernels aren't "supported".
> Well, more than 4 tun interfaces ARE working ... if I create /dev/tun4
> or higher manually with (cd /dev; ./MAKEDEV tun4) and also manually add
> tun4 to the bridge (brconfig bridge0 add tun4 up) ... but QEMU does that
> for tun0 - tun3 on its own ... its just not working for more than the
> first four interfaces.
By stating that the interfaces ARE working, you mean that they not only
exist but the bridges are correctly configured and functional, right?

If more than 4 tun devices work properly on the openbsd-side, then this
thing should be a qemu issue, be it fixable from an external shell
script or not.

> Btw, would something like
> ![ -c /dev/tun4 ] || (cd /dev; ./MAKEDEV tun4)
> work inside a /etc/hostname.tun4 file, just to make sure the device exists?

I'd prefer to work directly with mknod than cd'ing to /dev and firing up MAKEDEV
to create just one character device.

> Michael

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