I've had success with the Sierra Wireless Aircard 860 on a Thinkpad X40.
Lately though the card seems to be acting flakey and causing hard
lockups.  That could be a combination of the firmware which on the
Aircard and the carrier which is AT&T.  From what I've read, it's
recommended to keep the firmware updated to keep in step with the
carrier's infrastructure updates.  Unfortunately I haven't found a way
to upgrade the cards firmware under OpenBSD or Linux.



On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 05:01:16PM +0100, Daniel wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm looking for a mobile device which I could use for connecting to the 
> internet with a notebook. I've read the www.openbsd.org/i386.html page 
> and found some devices, but those are rather hard to find here in 
> Hungary. Could someone inform me about some other GPRS/EDGE capable 
> devices which will work with OpenBSD? (be it a pc-card or a mobile 
> phone).
> Thanks!
> Daniel

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