Ok the issue was solved!

mount -s -uw /


I typed the missing root account line back in and saved the file and can now
log back in as root.
this then invoked pwd_mkdb to do all the rest.

thanks everyone.

only issue now is that if I try to change another users account password I get
the following:

enter:   passwd  username
enter:  new password


pwd_mkdb:  corrupted entry
pwd_mkdb: at line #24
pwd_mkdb: /etc/ptmp: Innapropriate file type or format
passwd: etc/master.passwd unchanged

Do you have any idea what could be causing this,  the user entery in
master.passwd looks fine. > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; misc@openbsd.org> Subject: Re: lost root account>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 21:37:19 +0100> > Hi Marcus,> > I thought it was enough
to add the root account through vipw. that this edits> the master.passwd file
and would automatically update everything else?> how would I use pwd_mkdb, i
don't want to delete any other accounts from the> master.passwd file.> >
thanks> > > > > > > Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 17:41:01 -0200> From:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> [EMAIL PROTECTED]; misc@openbsd.org> Subject:
Re: lost root account> > Boot> your machine in single user mode (boot -s) and>
use plain vi and pwd_mkdb soon> after that.> > There's no need to use vipw
when running in boot -s.> > On Nov> 19, 2007 5:18 PM, Jumping Mouse
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> > Hi there, I> have inherited an openBSD machine
with no root account. When I> > boot up in> single user mode boot -s and do a
cat /etc/master.passwd | root> > the only> thing I get is:
daemon:*:1:1::0:0:The devil> > himself:/root:/sbin/nologin I> can't seem to
make changes to the master.passwd> > account by using vipw in> single
usermode. I get a message that the file is> > locked or busy. Can> anyone help
in what I can do next? How can I add the> > root account back to> the
master.passwd file. thanks.> >> > Express yourself instantly with MSN>
Messenger! MSN Messenger> >>
http://messenger.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/> >> >>

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