Jumping Mouse wrote:
Hi Clint,  Yes I am the one.   as for changing the password this seems to
happen to any user except for the root acount, I am able to use  passwd to
change the root account password.  Here is line 24: (I removed the password
and real usernmame) username::1000:0::0:0:username:/home/username:/bin/ksh

I was going to say, don't remove the username or password because the problem could be embedded in either one of those fields. Anyway, check to make sure that there is no whitespace adjacent to any colons.
don't know if this matters but there is no ptmp file in the /etc directory
(no was there before I followed your earlier instructions)

Doesn't matter. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't causing any problems when running passwd, which uses that file name as it's temp file.

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