I've set up an OpenBSD 4.2 firewall with two ISP connections. ISP1 has static addressing and is the firewall's default gateway. ISP2 is DHCP-configured, and I've modified dhclient-script to put the ISP2 gateway only into a second routing table using "route -T 1 add". All of this works fine, and using pf's rtable option I can route specific internal NAT hosts over ISP2 while the rest use ISP1.

However, connections that originate from the firewall using the ISP2 interface address (such as ftp-proxy -a, or ping -I, or traceroute -s) always try to use the default gateway in the main routing table.

I've tried many versions of route-to and rtable in pf, with no luck.

So the question is: Is it possible to use pf to force the outbound gateway for a connection that originates from the firewall itself? Everything I read seems to indicate that rtable and maybe even route-to is intended for inbound packets only.

A few of the things I've tried:

pass out on $ISP1_IF route-to ($ISP2_IF $ISP2_GW) \
        from ($ISP2_IF) to any keep state

pass out on $ISP1_IF route-to ($ISP2_IF $ISP2_GW) \
        from ($ISP2_IF) to any no state

pass out on $ISP1_IF from ($ISP2_IF) to any keep state rtable 1

No matter what, I can't even ping or traceroute from the firewall when I specify the ISP2 address as the source address. Yet my NAT'ed internal hosts work just fine over ISP2 with the rules:

nat on $ISP2_IF from <cbl_hosts> to any -> ($ISP2_IF)
pass in log quick on $int_if \
        from <cbl_hosts> to ! $int_net modulate state rtable 1
pass out quick on $ISP2_IF from ($ISP2_IF) to any modulate state

But in this case, the rtable (and route-to which I'm also using for some things) are applied to the inbound side and that is working as expected.

Am I attempting the impossible?


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