Ok definetly working now. It would be good to tweak the config a little more but it's accepting incoming and dealing with outgoing mail properly so I'm happy.

thanks for all the help to everyone to replied.

On 29 Nov 2007, at 23:50, Hugo Villeneuve wrote:

On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 09:20:34AM +0000, Khalid Schofield wrote:
ok it's still not working. I'm posting my configs here. It's not
accepting incoming mail. Sendmail is set to use /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
in rc.conf

Incoming mail from the network? That's because of all the
and ::1 in you DAEMON_OPTION lines. You might use sendmail.cf, but
you started your new .mc file by using
/usr/share/sendmail/cf/openbsd-localhost.mc instead of openbsd- proto.mc.

Here is the .mc script I built the config from in /usr/share/ sendmail/
# "Smart" relay host (may be null)

You did not quote correclty. m4 is weird like that. Quoted text for
m4 start with a backward single quote "`" and ends with a forward
single quote "'".

Either quote correctly, or remove those you put around "oxmail.ox.ac.uk".

I think it's the "'" on the .cf DS line that cause the smart host
feature to fail.

Also, just to say, the default OpenBSD supports smart host via the
mailertable when using sendmail.cf (running sendmail without
-C/etc/mail/localhost.cf flag).

This in mailertable (+recompile of the hash db):
.       relay:[oxmail.ox.ac.uk.]

Works the same as SMART_HOST.

Hugo Villeneuve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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