On Dec 1, 2007 4:52 AM, Toni Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 01.12.2007 at 01:32:07 -0700, Philip Guenther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > Not only that, but something is broken in your MUA that resulted in
> > the log entries you included that showed the above being cut off and
> > lost.
> I'm not sure what you mean, exactly, <...>

Sorry, I was being obtuse: in order to actually debug your previous
attempt, log entries from that attempt would have been necessary.

> > As is, your sendmail setup looks right to me.  Are you able to telnet
> > from that machine with those source and destination address?
> >     telnet -b 25
> Yes, that works very nicely.


> > If that telnet does work, well, you _did_ remember to restart sendmail
> > after changing the sendmail.cf, right?
> Yes. I've first tried to configure this a few years ago, and done some
> upgrades in the meantime. As the problem persists, I worked around it
> by not using sendmail, but this is not an ideal solution, and I thought
> the sendmail fans on the list could simply show off their superiority.

I just verified that ClientPortOptions works as expected on my laptop,
running OpenBSD 4.2, by making the submit.cf bind to (an
alias on lo0) when forwarding to the normal daemon.  Note that the 'b'
modifier on DaemonPortOptions overrides ClientPortOptions bind

Anyway, I have no personal need to claim superiority, so if your
current setup using qmail or postfix works, feel free to keep using

Philip Guenther

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