First, I'd like to thank those who provided useful responces to my
query (which started this thread), both on- and off-list.  I had missed
the announcement (
that -stable ports & packages are no longer maintained.

Because -stable ports/packages updates no longer exist,
it seems to me that section 15.2.8 of the FAQ
( is now incorrect.
It currently reads:
> When serious bugs or security flaws are discovered in third party
> software, they are fixed in the -stable branch of the ports tree,
> and a selection of updated binary packages is made available.
> Please refer to the stable packages page to find out about updated
> packages and important updates to the -stable branch.

The obvious "fix" is to simply delete these two paragraphs from
section 15.2.8 of the FAQ.  Comments?


-- Jonathan Thornburg (remove -animal to reply) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   School of Mathematics, U of Southampton, England
   "Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the
    powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral."
                                      -- quote by Freire / poster by Oxfam

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