On Thu, Dec 13, 2007 at 11:52:11AM -0500, Richard Stallman wrote:
> Even giving the URLs has the effect of referring people to those
> non-free programs.  It gives those non-free programs legitimacy,
> and thus contradicts the idea that "software should be free".

there are reasons for the saying about rules being meant to be
broken.  it's great to have morals, if you can afford them, but if
you stick to rules too rigidly (for example about what you should
and should not recommend), sooner or later you'll end up arguing
to justify your stance, rather than because you believe it to be

in the case of this thread, you are arguing against recommending
openbsd based on criteria you have decided need to be met. i
understand that.  we all need to draw a line somewhere...

given what the openbsd project stand for, and do, i wonder whether
your stance is furthering the cause of promoting what we all want,
or harming it.


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