On Thu, Dec 13, 2007 at 08:22:07PM -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > When I read that, it sounded a lot to me like saying "if you're not a  
> > skilled medical practitioner, you don't deserve decent health care."   
> > Seems to me one of the better aspects of our society is our ability  
> > to allow specialists to provide good services to non-specialists (or  
> > at least those who can afford to pay for it).
> Yes -- when those specialists are paid.

Also, OpenBSD is not a service to be deserved.  It is a labour of love;
the object of that labour is OpenBSD itself not the great unwashed
masses.  Health care is provided by healthcare service providers (paid
or not) hopefully also as a labour of love; the object of that labour is
the recipient of the care.  Note the difference.

Doug (RN).

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