On Sat, 22 Dec 2007 17:04:05 +0530
Girish Venkatachalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 1. If security is a major concern, or perhaps The Main Concern, why
> > not use Ada? I specifically mention Ada since one of the most
> > security demanding industries are building aircrafts and they use
> > Ada.
> > 
> I dunno about ada.
> > 2. Rather than auditing a lot of code, correcting a lot of coding
> > mistakes, like the OpenBSD security team has done, and still do,
> > why not shift from C to something, just as fast and powerfull as C,
> > but more secure? Again like Ada. (to completely avoid the
> > possibilities of those errors).
> There is simply no alternative to C. Period.

Now those two statements are somewhat in contradiction. You can't say
that Ada isn't an alternative to C without knowing what it is. Ada
fully serve as an alternative to C, but read up on that if you must

Regarding it being an alternative to C in BSD is another issue, you
have to reprogram everything then.

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