On Jan 2, 2008 2:54 AM, Richard Stallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     Here is the real issue, Richard.  You go off and endorse OpenSolaris
>     without knowing the facts.  You get confronted with them and you change
>     history.  Sound familiar?
> What sounds familiar is the nasty spin you place on a minor confusion.
> But you have added a new false accusation of "changing history".


With all the spin you are doing with your own words it is quite clear that

1) You don't know the facts


2) You are a compulsive liar


3) You have an agenda.

You are going through all these verbal gymnastics just because your
mail to misc@ was appropriately addressed by the people there.

While you still continue to confuse the masses who do not know the
details but just get excited when they hear FSF and GNU and RMS
the people at misc stated the facts with proof and now you have no
choice but to apologize.

Be a man Richard.
You are making a big fool of yourself in public by beating about the bush.
And the 'nasty spin' you make on your own statements while desperately
accuse other doing the same.

Anybody who followed this thread would have clearly seen what a
hypocrite you are and how you use different standards to judge and
attack and try to destroy the reputation of Open Source projects you
are envious of ( perhaps they don't give a damn to what you say or
think about them ) .

You are not just a hypocrite but a kind of terrorist too with a
deluded feeling that people will all automatically subscribe to your
views and may be get afraid when you attack them in public with your

In fact many of the people did expect this when you favorite
organization lost the battle publically on Reyk's code that your
friends stole and tried to impose your license on it, and when they
even tried vainly to go legal by the advice of a un-educated american
lawyer but finally foun that they have just embarrassed themselves in

Your organization is slowly turning to a mafia Richard. Do you see that?
You have already crossed the boundaries of decency and you are still
bent on going that way.

It is terrible to see this....

with no regards what so ever


> I asked for my note of clarification to be labeled explicitly as such,
> so that it would be clear what was the original answer and what was
> the clarification.
> Perhaps you should judge your own statements by the standards that
> you seek to apply to mine.
>     If you want to run your mouth about projects try spending a few minutes
>     reading information about them and draw your own conclusions.
> I investigated the BSD systems, and I got the accurate information
> that the ports system can install non-free software.  Then I stated
> that accurate information using words that were subject to
> misunderstanding.

and so you made the "nasty spin" you are accusing theo of now and went
into media and said "OpenBSD CONTAINED non-Free" software.

Great Spin Doctor!
Anybody would expect this mistake from a kinder garden student but
from a person like you?
NO! you either did not study much or else you were taking revenge on
OpenBSD project by trying to tarnish their image because your friends
were put to shame publically by their own unwise zealotry ( with the
stupid advice of a stupid american lawyer who again did not study the
facts like you, remember one of the great kernel programmers of linux
did mockingly ask Theo to go and learn the copyright law but after the
issue was setelled against your friends we hears nothing from him
too!!) while trying to steal Reyk's code and play bullies with
sub-standard lawyer on your side.

Shame, Shame!!!

> You witnessed the words I said in the interview.  However, you
> make claims about what I knew, what I thought, and what I intended
> which are based on pure speculation.  No wonder yourclaims are mistaken.
> Shouldn't you investigate the facts before you make such claims?

Every body who followed this thread has the facts before them with proof.
If you say you investigated things properly the what you are called by
people here is VERY APPROPRIATE!!!


no more regards


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