Don't worry.  You can ask rms if your behaviour is ethical.  He'll set
you straight, and tell you to stop working for those companies and
instead suckle off your McArthur Idiot grant.

> On Jan 4, 2008 9:48 AM, Ioan Nemes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You confusing the issue!  The software market - where you sell your product
> > (i.e., software) is unethical,
> > distorted and manipulated, and not by the ethical software crafters!
> Why is the software market unethical? Because there are some bad
> apples? Gee, that makes pretty much every single business sector
> unethical. Unless you're trying to say that selling software in itself
> is unethical but that's bullshit.
> Who are the ethical software crafters? Does simply not charging money
> for your software make you ethical?
> Most OSS, for example, can be, and is, used by governments to oppress
> the people. Does that make working on OSS unethical?
> ---
> Lars Hansson

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