--- Karthik Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I understand the goals that are not written on that page: do what you
> like and fight for what you believe in. Goals are just text written
> in a stupid web page until you live up to them.

Which OpenBSD does.  You have failed to show otherwise.

> > We do not provide flash, we provide a Makefile which will allow
> someone to
> > install flash if he wants to. This Makefile is not even part of the
> system
> > and needs to be fetched manually by the user. This is *NOT* against
> goals,
> > which you do not want to read.
> >
> I use ports. I am not dumb. :P The goals do not specify "to encourage
> people to use non-free software", but I see that happening anyway.

Where?  Are you refering to the FAQ?  Are you aware of what FAQ means?

> I am not uninformed. What makes you say that? You, sir are biased
> towards OpenBSD and you can say what you want but it doesn't make
> your version of the truth any better.

It is the truth though.  But, I'll mention that what you just said
doesn't make your delusion true.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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