On Jan 5, 2008 11:51 PM, Karthik Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Then you are misunderstanding OpenBSD's goals which are clearly stated
> > at the link I provided you and that you obviously failed to read.
> >
> I understand the goals that are not written on that page: do what you
> like and fight for what you believe in. Goals are just text written in
> a stupid web page until you live up to them.

Karthik, My Friend, You are becoming too stupid and childish because
you keep whining that OpenBSD does not live up the goals stated on
their websites.

Please point out specific instances like

1) .......
2) ........
3) ............


Otherwise you just sound silly!!!
And again you forgot to cc RMS, I have added him.
I hope your firmware confusion was over with the explanation given in
a mail up in this thread.

If only you will study how much OpenBSD project has contributed to
freeing up documentation for writing free drivers that let you use
free systems ( since you claim you use it ) you would drop your silly
generalization and vague accusations.

If you want to reply any more to this thread please shoe specific
instances where OpenBSD has deviated from its goals. Some body
competent enough can always answer you and clear your confusion. may
be the competition person will be busy coding and might not even read
your mail.

But from your part be serious and state clearly where the deviation
has taken place

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