I repeat : keep this onlist or out of my mailbox.

On Sun, Jan 06, 2008 at 06:16:38PM +0530, V. Karthik Kumar wrote:
| > | Look, first the blobs may do whatever. Userland can equally do
| > | whatever. Adobe Flash Player restricts my freedom because the whole
| > | world is putting Flash sites and I need to trust a binary whose code
| > | is not available to view the site on my OpenBSD system. Worse, some
| > | people need to use flash based forms to authenticate or to navigate to
| > | pages (read some previous posts by people having such difficulty with
| > | government sites).. I am asking: why use such things and bring doom
| > | upon yourself?
| >
| > Ah, I see. Adobe Flash Player. I'm sorry, could you point to the
| > location in the OpenBSD cvs repository that gives me Adobe Flash
| > Player ? I mean the player (or its source), not a file that contains a
| > URL to where you can download the player.
| >
| Oh.. so that is your argument; Just because you don't keep it in
| distfiles doesn't make you any right. jolan is a developer of OpenBSD.
| Look in here: http://mirrors.protection.cx/~jolan

Oh will you please cut it out ? Everybody here knows that there is
non-free software. Everybody also knows (some of) it runs on OpenBSD.
And we all know that some people actually *use* the non-free software
that is out there and that runs on OpenBSD.

Jolan is an OpenBSD developer and he hosts a website. Oh boy oh boy oh
boy. I'll have a firm talk with Jolan about how he can not do things
that are unrelated to OpenBSD next to being an OpenBSD developer. And
also that he can not mirror some files on his own website. BAD BAD

Yes, it really is very bad that Jolan committed all that non-free
stuff to OpenBSD. How could he ! OpenBSD is not worth being called
'Free'. Jolan (and I'm sure you know a lot more examples) really is
the bad guy here. Ehm, only thing is, I can't seem to find Jolans
non-free stuff in the OpenBSD cvs repository. Maybe you can help me
out and point me at this code ? I seem to recall asking you before...

| Keeping it this way is mighty cunning, I might add.

Yes, keeping OpenBSD free is indeed quite smart.

| > I think most here know that the internet has a lot of Flash. Perhaps
| > you can point to the website that states that one of the goals of the
| > OpenBSD project is to prevent people from using flash.
| >
| > | I really don't like such binaries encouraged as part of OpenBSD. I am
| > | sure many people will accept my stand on this.
| >
| > Nobody (at least, nobody with something to say on the matter) is
| > encouraging such binaries to be part of OpenBSD. And the good part
| > is : it isn't ! Adobe Flash is not part of OpenBSD. And it probably
| > never will be (I doubt Adobe will ever release the source under a
| > permissive license).
| Check out: www/opera-flashplugin: If it weren't there, I wouldn't be
| talking.

Oooh ! I checked it out ! Whoohoo ! Guess what : YOU ARE WRONG. There
is not a single bit not free in there. Not one. Zero. You see ?
OpenBSD is free. All files in www/opera-flashplugin are *FREE*. Here's
the files in that part of the tree :

        o Makefile
        o distinfo
        o pkg/DESCR
        o pkg/PLIST

There's a total of 1154 bytes in those four files - ALL FREE.

I challenged you to show me one single file that is non-free in the
cvs repository as found on http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/
and so far you've tried once and failed.

Show us a non-free file or shut up.

Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd

PS: Apologies to Jolan and thanks for your work on OpenBSD and for
hosting the stuff you have on your website.


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