On Sun, Jan 06, 2008 at 07:42:47PM +0530, V. Karthik Kumar wrote:
| Paul de Weerd wrote:
| > I repeat : keep this onlist or out of my mailbox.
| >
| This one is on the list.

Thank you.

| > Yes, it really is very bad that Jolan committed all that non-free
| > stuff to OpenBSD. How could he ! OpenBSD is not worth being called
| > 'Free'. Jolan (and I'm sure you know a lot more examples) really is
| > the bad guy here. Ehm, only thing is, I can't seem to find Jolans
| > non-free stuff in the OpenBSD cvs repository. Maybe you can help me
| > out and point me at this code ? I seem to recall asking you before...
| And maybe I did.

You did not.

| > Oooh ! I checked it out ! Whoohoo ! Guess what : YOU ARE WRONG. There
| > is not a single bit not free in there. Not one. Zero. You see ?
| > OpenBSD is free. All files in www/opera-flashplugin are *FREE*. Here's
| > the files in that part of the tree :
| >
| >     o Makefile
| >     o distinfo
| >     o pkg/DESCR
| >     o pkg/PLIST
| >
| Woohoo.. so I guess we have been talking about useless FREE textfiles
| in the CVS. Great job kid!

Why useless ? Because you don't like non-free software that can be
installed by using those files ? Fine, don't use the files, don't
install the port and consider them useless. The fact that you don't
use everything that comes with the system does not make the system any
less free. My firewall has software to play audio files - it doesn't
even have the required hardware ! I'm not complaining that there's
stuff in OpenBSD or in the OpenBSD portstree that I'm not using - are
you ?

Perhaps you're *USING* these 4 files to install the adobe flash player
on your machine (your example a little bit later in this mail seems to
indicate you have at least installed it). That's non-free software
you've installed, but you are free to do so. Then, to you, those four
small files are not so useless, are they ?

But you're not complaining that these (FREE) files are useless.
There's almost 5000 ports in the tree now, you are not using them all
(you're not even using all the ports for free programs) so there's a
lot more to complain about if that was your gripe. I've made an effort
to reply to your argument but we were discussing the free-ness of
OpenBSD, not the usefulness. Please stick to the subject and do not
try to divert the discussion to unrelated matters.

| > There's a total of 1154 bytes in those four files - ALL FREE.
| >
| > I challenged you to show me one single file that is non-free in the
| > cvs repository as found on http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/
| > and so far you've tried once and failed.
| >
| > Show us a non-free file or shut up.
| Run make install on that directory (www/opera-flashplugin) and woohoo!

You have not shown a file that is non-free in the OpenBSD cvs

| And remember to use: find /usr/local/lib -name libflashplayer.so

I'll spell it out for you : Give me a link to the online web version
of the CVS repository that is a non-free file. I can tell you in
advance that you won't find a file by the name of "libflashplayer.so"
in the repository (I have a local copy), so try something else for a

SHOW ME THE NON-FREE FILE ! It must be in the repository (I've
explained this several times now). Show it and I'll concede. Until

Here's a nice trick. On any OpenBSD system simply do the following :

        ftp http://tinyurl.com/83kyc

Et voila ! You now have non-free software on your system. It is the
Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer (it's gratis (doesn't cost money) but it's
not open source). You did this with free software (ftp from OpenBSD) !
Ohnoes ! That software (OpenBSD ftp) isn't free, I can use it to
download non-free software !

Boohoo. Now explain again how this makes OpenBSD any less free.

After your 'make install' in /usr/ports/www/opera-flashplugin, *YOU*
have installed libflashplayer.so on your system. Why does that make
OpenBSD any less free ?

Again : show us any non-free file *IN THE OpenBSD CVS REPOSITORY* and
I'll concede. And a final suggestion : Try not to send any other mails
on this thread until you've shown us this file.

Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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