Florian Fuessl wrote:
Frank Bax wrote:
My spamd-setup always takes 20-30 minutes on two servers (4.1 and 4.2).
  This is not normal?  When I run it manually; most of the time is
downloading traplist.gz

This morning, I changed the crontab "time /usr/libexec/spamd-setup -d"

4.1 runtimes (minutes): 39, 10, 27, 32
4.2 runtimes (minutes): 23, 29, 22, 22

The runtime here is usually only a few seconds:
[...] time /usr/libexec/spamd-setup -d
blacklist becks 110141 entries
blacklist nixspam 39962 entries
blacklist sorbs-zombie 102 entries
blacklist sorbs-dul 277194 entries
whitelist sorbs-dul-white 357120 entries
    0m13.34s real     0m5.80s user     0m2.21s system

That's why it's so strange, that sometimes spamd-setup process hangs and
does not quit within 20 minutes. :-<
Any ideas, how to handle that case correctly or how to debug that case?

Sorry, I can't help you. I have determined that my problem is with download. I've timed the downloads (wget only, not spamd-setup) between 27 seconds and 45 minutes. I'm no expert here; but I don't think it's name resolution (as Peter suggested), because wget starts off downloading rather quickly, then slows/stalls during download; one time it even timed out and started over on its own. My servers are co-locate and I've asked my ISP to check into it; because I'm thinking the problem is outside my box.


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