On Jan 9, 2008 1:22 AM, William Sloan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear misc --
>         I'm attempting to get a root partition on raid 1 RaidFrame
> configuration working with OpenBSD 4.2.  I have a Soekris 4801 with a
> compact flash card, a USB 2.0 PCI card and 2 identical external usb
> hard drives.
>         I built a new kernel configured with the pseudo-device raid 4 and
>         I installed OpenBSD on the compact flash, created and initialized
> the raid array, set the raid device to autoconfigure and set the root
> flag, changed fstab on the raid disks to point root to raid0a instead
> of wd0a and rebooted.  When the system rebooted wd0a was mounted as
> root.
>         Attached is dmesg, mount, raid0.conf, disklables. raidctl -sv output.
>         If someone can point me in the direction of what to look at or give
> me any ideas of what could be going wrong.

When you build your new kernel you also need to change config(8) to
"set root on raid0". fstab isn't read until *after* the root is
mounted, remember; how is it going to know to read from
raid0a:/etc/fstab if the file to tell it that is raid0a:/etc/fstab?


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