Wow, I read your email and checked my authlog and was
astounded by the number hack attempts.  Thankfully, I
configured my OpenBSD firewall with recommended access
controls.  Thanks to all the dedicated OpenBSD
developers and community!  Support the project and
encourage the purchase of more OpenBSD CD's and direct
donations to the Foundation!

--- Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A practical example, real life, last night.
> I was replacing my hard drive on my home broadband
> OBSD firewall, and it was taking a few minutes 
> to copy over the old pf.conf and enable the
> firewall.  I had installed the latest snapshot as a 
> fresh image and restarted.  It took a little while
> to set up the local networks, and I was connected 
> to the Internet, so I could download packages.
> I copied over the pf.conf from my backup host and
> enabled it, not thinking much more about it.
> Then this morning I looked at /var/log/authlog to
> see stuff like this:
> Jan  9 18:00:01 home-fw newsyslog[6065]: logfile
> turned over
> Jan  9 18:03:03 home-fw sshd[29544]: Invalid user
> andrew from
> Jan  9 18:03:03 home-fw sshd[240]:
> input_userauth_request: invalid user andrew
> Jan  9 18:03:03 home-fw sshd[29544]: Failed password
> for invalid user andrew from port
> 52447 ssh2
> Jan  9 18:03:03 home-fw sshd[240]: Received
> disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
> Jan  9 18:03:06 home-fw sshd[19514]: Invalid user
> adam from
> Jan  9 18:03:06 home-fw sshd[15864]:
> input_userauth_request: invalid user adam
> Jan  9 18:03:06 home-fw sshd[19514]: Failed password
> for invalid user adam from port 52651
> ssh2
> Jan  9 18:03:06 home-fw sshd[15864]: Received
> disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
> Jan  9 18:03:08 home-fw sshd[18110]: Invalid user
> trial from
> Jan  9 18:03:08 home-fw sshd[22493]:
> input_userauth_request: invalid user trial
> Jan  9 18:03:09 home-fw sshd[18110]: Failed password
> for invalid user trial from port 52821
> ssh2
> Jan  9 18:03:09 home-fw sshd[22493]: Received
> disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
> Jan  9 18:03:11 home-fw sshd[20596]: Invalid user
> calendar from
> Jan  9 18:03:11 home-fw sshd[8582]:
> input_userauth_request: invalid user calendar
> Jan  9 18:03:11 home-fw sshd[20596]: Failed password
> for invalid user calendar from port
> 53011 ssh2
> Jan  9 18:03:12 home-fw sshd[8582]: Received
> disconnect from 11: Bye Bye
> Jan  9 18:03:14 home-fw sshd[22151]: Invalid user
> poq from
> Jan  9 18:03:14 home-fw sshd[17137]:
> input_userauth_request: invalid user poq
> Jan  9 18:03:14 home-fw sshd[22151]: Failed password
> for invalid user poq from port 53199
> ssh2
> I never see anything like that, since my pf rules
> only allow me to ssh back to home from my work IP
> range.
> In the space of about 15 minutes before I enabled pf
> all of the following users were tried, probably
> by an automated script:
> Aaliyah    Aaron     Aba       Abel       Exit     
> Jewel
> Zmeu       Zmeu      adam      adam       add      
> adm
> admin      admin     admin     admin      admin    
> admin
> admin      admins    admins    adrian     alan     
> alex
> alin       alina     alinus    amanda     andrei   
> andrew
> angel      apache    aron      at         backup   
> bnc
> bran       brett     cafe      calendar   cap      
> cgi
> ch         cmd       com       danny      data     
> david
> dulap      fernando  fluffy    ftp        games    
> george
> get        guest     guest     hacker     haxor    
> hk
> http       httpd     hy        id         ident    
> if
> info       info      internet  irc        is       
> it
> john       kathi     kayten    ldap       library  
> linux
> lp         luis      mail      mail       mailman  
> master
> max        michael   michael   michi      mikael   
> mike
> mike       mysql     mysql     net        network  
> news
> news       nick      octavio   open       oper     
> oracle
> org        party     paul      paul       pe       
> pgsql
> pgsql      pl        play      poq        postfix  
> postmaster
> print      psybnc    radu      resin      rex      
> richard
> richard    robert    rpm       sales      samba    
> sara
> search     sef       sex       sgi        sharon   
> shell
> shell      shop      squid     ssh        stan     
> station
> stef       stephen   steven    sunny      sunsun   
> susan
> suva       suzuki    tavi      technicom  telnet   
> test
> test       test      test      test       trial    
> trib
> uk         unix      unseen    us         user     
> user
> username   username  users     web        webadmin 
> webmaster
> webmaster  webpop    word      www-data   wwwrun   
> wwwrun
> yahoo      za
> What a cesspool the internet is!  Good passwords,
> limit access to where it is necessary,
> and run an ironclad OS.  Thanks for making it all
> possible.

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