Hi, my first post here. I just installed OpenBSD 4.2 from the "official" CD's on a Sun Ultra 5 270Mhz 128MB RAM with mouse, keyboard (5C) and a ordinary vga monitor. All smooth and good.

Then there's the problem: Reading MAN-pages is *very* slow in virtual console/terminal. When I use PAGE-DOWN/PAGE-UP it takes 3-4 seconds before the screen updates. Now I've
asked several places, googled around and found nothing I can do to improve
performance in virtual console. Is this really normal behaviour on a Sun Ultra 5? And is there anything I can do to speed it up? It's ouchie ouchie to learn a new OS when reading MAN-pages equals pain (due to 3-4 sec. wait every page I scroll)

Not sure what other info to add. It's a vanilla install with no X. And VI scrolls fast (probably a logical reason for it, which I'm not aware of).

"Ken sent me"

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