* Edd Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-01-18 00:08:22]:

> Hi there,
> On Jan 17, 2008 11:01 PM, Janke Knolli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi, my first post here. I just installed OpenBSD 4.2 from the "official"
> > CD's on a Sun Ultra 5 270Mhz 128MB RAM with mouse, keyboard (5C) and a
> > ordinary vga monitor. All smooth and good.
> >
> > Then there's the problem:
> > Reading MAN-pages is *very* slow in virtual console/terminal. When I use
> > PAGE-DOWN/PAGE-UP it takes 3-4 seconds before the screen updates. Now I've
> > asked several places, googled around and found nothing I can do to improve
> > performance in virtual console. Is this really normal behaviour on a Sun
> > Ultra 5? And is there anything I can do to speed it up? It's ouchie ouchie
> > to learn a new OS when reading MAN-pages equals pain (due to 3-4 sec. wait
> > every page I scroll)
> Thats a hardware limitation I believe.
> If you get a creator3d or xvr500 that will go away. My ultra 5
> (without creator) used to be like that.

Yeah, a creator3d will do hardware acceleration on the console, but
good luck putting that in an ultra 5 case.

Travers Buda

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