Hi Misc@,
I'm currently setup bgp router using openbgp. Routes learned from openbgpd are stored in routing table 1. So, I got this client from NET2, coming from the same interface that my ibgp peer coming from, and I want to pass client from NET2 going to regional exchange to QUAGGA router. I got no luck with: "pass on $ext_if from $NET2 to any modulate state rtable 1", NET2 always use the default route via $ext_if when going to regional exchange
I appreciate any input and suggestion regarding this.

Insan Praja SW

as 65021
|-------|  |--------------|
|QUAGGA |--| reg exchange |----------------------------------|
|-------|  |--------------|          AS 65021                |
    |                      ext_if1|-------------|ext_if2     |
|-----------------------------| OpenBSD gtw |NAT-------UPSTREAM------INTERNET
    |                             |-------------|
| NET2  |
Non BGP clients

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