On Tue, 29 Jan 2008 01:47:32 -0600
Denny White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> AFAIK, there are 3 files it says that need to be updated when
> changing hostname. /etc/hosts, /etc/myname & /etc/hostname.interface.
> The last one on my system is hostname.fxp0 and, since you didn't
> mention changing your IP address, I don't why hostname.interface
> would have to be changed.
> I hate to ask this, but did you reboot or restart the network after
> making your changes? If not, you're not going to see the changes
> until you do one or the other, or change it using sysctl. Try this
> & see what you get:

I found the problem.  It was being sent correctly, but sendmail was
replacing the source address with the one found in the dns!

Using mail -v, I could see that it was providing the correct address to
the mail server.

Interestingly enough, when I use pine, it comes through correctly!  I
wonder why sendmail changed it in one case, but not in others.

Anyway, it is fixed even if it does open up a new question.



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