
My apologies to those who replied off-list.  Because of the large amount
of spam I receive, only white-listed e-mail or e-mail that is digitally
signed with the sender's PGP key or encrypted with my PGP public key
make it through.  I should have included a pre-whitelisted to address
that is good until I receive the first spam addressed to it.  Obviously,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is whitelisted.

Actually, I haven't taken the time yet to set it to actually check the
digital signatures.  That's on my to-do list.

For what it's worth, no spam, except that spammed to the OpenBSD mailing
lists, has made it through since I started doing this.


Eric Johnson
off-list replies: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]

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