On Jan 29, 2008 11:38 AM, Zbigniew Baniewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 4. It's really a pity, that *all* (?) of you prefer to see my difficulties
> as some kind of "bad will" or "list abuse"; and nowhere could I see a
> message like: "perhaps he needs some help?". I don't want to believe, this
> is usual attitude among OpenBSD community members. Really unbelievable.

On this list, if you need help, you ask for it.

> Just out of curiosity: what really a difference can you see between my tests
> - and this, for example, thread, whish is just about nothing ("limericks")?
> I can see at least one: I *had* to make some tests, I was in contact with
> the list admin - but you don't have to show off here, with your "poetry".
> Seems, you want to.

His mail was edifying, even if off topic.

Not everyone flamed you -- most of us (myself included) ignored your
initial email(s) as a minor irritation. But count me among the
arrogant assholes who *were* annoyed by it.


Systems Programmer, Principal
Electrical & Computer Engineering
The University of Arizona

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