Didi a icrit :
> Hey
> What do you guys think of this?
> >From http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/487824 :
> <8---------------
> OpenBSD 4.1 sshd remote root exploit (on the default install!):
> SHA1(screwtheo.tar)=ad1bc1f05afa2cc3ccadb18fabb985394c02ce8d
> MD5(screwtheo.tar)= cee67df76eaa0706e666cd5c0b8b711c
> OpenSSH exploit for linux
> SHA1(screwtheo_linux.tar)=cb6816de43df87193050a497a83cd8f7ab721fbd
> MD5(screwtheo_linux.tar)=8d65c90d40975556b199a3e1028a5a51
> -----------------------8>
> A few hashes are created quite quick and the Email does say quite a
> lot about this person
> Cheers Dietger

He has only posted a couple hashes that came out of nowhere with no
meaning whatsoever.
Until I see some code or hear a trustworthy story of a compromised host,
this is not what's going to worry me.


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