On Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 12:37:59PM -0700, Steve B wrote:
> I have one of these, http://calpc.com/catalog/mid_tower.html, and its quite
> beefy.

I wonder if you could measure two things for me:

1.      The thickness of the steel panels (not of any structural frame).
I'm comparing these with norco cases which are made of 1.2 mm steel, so
a normal metric ruler and an eyeball would suffice.

2.      The size of the vent holes.  The mid tower chassis page doesn't
have alternate views.  The 4U rackmount case has a rear photo.  The
vents look like brickwork: more vent than metal.  The dimensions of
the holes and the metal between them is critical.  If you could give me
the three measurements, again to the nearest 0.2 mm.

        -- vent-hole lenght:
        -- vent-hole height:
        -- metal between vent-holes:

Thank you.


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