G|nter wrote:
At first, thanks a lot for your responses. According to infos I found in the list archive I changed the values for net.inet.ip.ifq.* as follows
net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen=1024 (256 * number nics)
This had no effect on the network throughput.
In the next step I increased the value for net.inet.tcp.recvspace and net.inet.tcp.sendspace to 262144 and that had big impact on the network throughput.
The network throughput increased from 550Mbit/s to 940Mbit/s.
Because of this effect I would like to know if there is detailed documentation availbale, describing the sysctl values and there effects? Unfortunately the manpages don't describe these things detailed.
sysctl(3) is one way you could go, I found it quite helpful . Also you could search the list for aditional info. henning@ explained the impact of net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen in of his mails to the list.

Best regards, Bogdan Plevit

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