Thanks for the speedy replies guys!

>No, but it has been reported that if the system is doing other things
>at the same time, the chance of freezing is much less. (specifically
>freezes were seen with rtorrent+top, they were not seen when logging
>vmstat output at the same time).

>We also have transmission in ports, which works nicely, btw - command
>line, GUI, and there's a nice DHTML webinterface (clutch) available
>too (clutch is not in ports yet but I have a nearly-finished port for

Okay, too bad. Does transmission support rss, or the watch_directory thingie
that rtorrent has?

On 14:42:37 Feb 19, Paul Irofti wrote:
> I've been using rtorrent for more than a year now and it never
> stopped/blocked/froze/etc.

>I can second that . Little annoyances here and there but overall
>rtorrent works very well under OpenBSD.

>If it freezes very likely it is a network issue.


Could you please elaborate? The only thing that was working after
the freeze was the routing. I guess I could try FreeBSD since they
have pf too. iptables is driving me nuts.

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