On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 11:39:50AM +0100, Zbigniew Baniewski wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 09:07:50AM +0100, Alexander Hall wrote:
> > The suggestion about installing packages into /<whatever> is fine if 
> > stated as a suggestion and/or question. I do not agree, but still I 
> > think the question is valid. However, adding "It doesn't need any 
> > funding to fix this." makes it seem like a mistake that is trivial to 
> > fix, and I can understand if that pisses Marc off.
> ...however it was just an answer to Michael Dexters suggestion... (read the
> thread).
> > BTW, think about all ports with hardcoded paths to 
> > /usr/local/<dependency>. One might argue that those ports are broken, 
> > but I'd guess there are quite a lot of them.
> "Hardcoded"? So, changing LOCALBASE could be even dangerous, I'm afraid.
> Nothing can I do then with this.

While I guess it would be nice if every package looked for LOCALBASE, I
think that every OS/distro has its own version of hier which you violate
at your peril.  You don't happen to agree that OpenBSD uses /usr/local
for things under the controll of package management.  However, bucking
that is likely more hard work than its worth.

I put my little scripts that I want system wide in /opt/[domain]/usr/...
which leaves /usr/local free for OBSD stuff.  I don't package them up
because then I'd have to package them up for my debian boxes:  too much


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