On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 10:58:00PM +0100, Stefan Kell wrote:
> > The webserver ( is directly connected to the cable modem, 
> > as is the server.
> > What service(s) would i need to run on to make it useable 
> > as a gateway (router) to
> > Would just:
> > 
> > # *sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1*
> > 
> > enable it as a router? I would also need some other service, right? Sorry
> > for any noobness.
> You need two network interfaces on your OpenBSD machine, different
> subnets physically: one for cable modem and external interface on
> OpenBSD, one for your internal network. sysctl is necessary as you
> have written and you need  a nat rule in pf.conf. There are a lot of
> instructions flowing around in the internet which show you how to do
> it.

It should work just fine if you enable forwarding on .121, keep the rdr
rule as is and change .126's gateway to point at .121, which will then
handle the translation of return packets and pass them through its
default route to the cable modem.

Disclaimer: I'm tired and on GPRS.

Jussi Peltola

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