2008/2/28, Alexandre Epinat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
>  I have a OPENBSD 4.2 installed on an Alix2c3. I use it for a fw.

Same here.

>  I have 3 vr interfaces. My throughputs on the vr interfaces are slow
>  (400Kb/s to 600 Kb/s) although they are configured 100BaseTX Full Duplex..

I have no probem saturating 20Mb link.

>  I tested it by transfering a file to a freebsd machine directly connected
>  via cross cable.

Did you send file from mfs or from wd0 ?

>  Is there a problem with the vr driver ?.

Any chance you use vlans ? Support was added after 4.2 release. Maybe
you have  MTU problem.

Piotr Kapczuk

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