On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 03:23:27PM +0100, Erich wrote:
> Claudio Jeker schrieb:
>> On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 02:10:09PM +0100, Erich wrote:
>>> another routing problem ist that now the ibpg routes get insertet
>>> but also announcend to the ebgp peer since its the same as and
>>> i announce "self" to the ebgp peers. problems is now that the
>>> network is somewhere else, but announced so i have created a
>>> routing loop. do i have to use static routes or is there a way to 
>>> configure
>>> stuff like that in bgpd?
>> You need a filter for that. Just deny the prefix on the other router.
> the other router is not under my control, so i would have to ask them to 
> adjust their filters,
> isnt there another way?

You can also deny incomming prefixes. Read the bgpd.conf man page section
about filtering for more information.

:wq Claudio

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