> I'm just wondering how many people out there are using the floppy.fs 
> installer still?

I think your assumption is that we are facing the space problem just
from the i386 side.  We are not.  We run on lots of architectures.
There is some semblance of size pressure from all architectures.

But in general we HAVE been coping just fine with that pressure, and
excending the install scripts.

> I'm wondering if it would be a worthwhile thought to 
> expand past the 1.44Mb limit for the CD and .rd install options if there 
> are features that can be added to the installer.  No, I'm not thinking a 
> gui/menu based installer as the main reason, but there might be benefits 
> to something like that.

We've been adding new features to the installer every release.  I guess
you just haven't noticed them, but they are there.  Lots of them.

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