I still have plans to continue the WPA work in the near future.
No estimated time of arrival though, especially as I tend to become lazy
as I get older.


| Dear All,
| I would love to use OpenBSD on my laptop but the problems is that most of
| my work places use WPA encrypted wireless networks
| So what is a status of WPA support in OpenBSD? I know that a lot of people
| ask about this.
| Last cvs commit I found with some work done with WPA is from 2007/08/22
| http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=118781535213730&w=2
| No active work with WPA  in OpenBSD 4.3 or -current?
| P.S. I'm not waiting for a kind of reply like: "WPA is bad - use VPN
| tunnels" ;)
| Thank you,
| -
| Dominik Zalewski | System Administrator
| OpenCraft
| t- +2 02 3336 0003
| w- http://www.open-craft.com

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