Marc Rene Arns wrote:

I need to transfer files via sftp (ssh ftp) from a Windows machine.
This files may contain Umlauts (vd|) and Spaces.

I made several tests and stuck with the following:

sftp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:'/file-withv|d.txt'

works, but

sftp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:'/file with spaces.txt'

doesn't work.

If I use the interactive sftp shell its different:

Connecting to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
sftp> get '/file with spaces.txt'

works, but I am unable to enter Umlauts in the interactive mode and when I
copy paste them they disappear.

I need to create a script and because of the spaces-problem I used
to trigger the interactive mode. Is there a way to make it work with latin1
characters (using FreeBSD, but I guess that shouldn't matter). I can enter
Umlauts perfectly in the shell (bash here) and I've set
export LANG

Am I missing something? Is there a chance to get this working?

Best Regards,

It is up to the application to make necessary translations.
Formerly there was the DOS2Unix and such filters.
WinXP, Linux and to a certain extend FreeBSD, translate encodings with more or less success.

Since I see you use Perl,
have a look at
man utf8(3p)

Then, now part of the X distribution, there is the luit filter
man luit(1)

Not easy in an hybrid environment, for my part, I am blocked with tcl and
NFSv3 complaining about incompatible character sets.

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