On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 03:19:42PM -0700, Chris Kuethe wrote:
| On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 3:06 PM, Sevan / Venture37
| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > > http://blog.anamazingmind.com/2008/03/real-reason-we-use-linux.html
| >  >
| >  > oh, and before you started to read, to be more comfortable just do
| >  > s/linux/openbsd/g
| >  >
| >
| >  You mean
| >  %s/linux/openbsd/g
| not if you're using sed... which is case sensitive, so you might want
| to do something like this.
| lynx -dump http://blog.anamazingmind.com/2008/03/real-reason-we-use-linux.html
| | sed -e 's/[Ll]inux/OpenBSD/g' | more

I'd rather not.

Even though I like OpenBSD because it's fun, I use it because it sucks
the least. "It's fun to change all settings, break the system.." ..
say what ? Is that why Linux has all those knobs and dials ? So you
can frob 'em and break your system ? And that's fun ? And it's also
fun to have 'over a hundred distributions to choose from' ? Where's
the fun in that ?

Here's another fine gem : "and discovering completely pointless yet
fascinating facts about the OS."

Are you sure this is not some linux hater being sarcastic ? "Because,
let's face it, we want to feel special."

Let's face it .. all software sucks and operating systems are a
collection of lots of software so they suck pretty bad in general.
OpenBSD manages to do away with much of the suckyness (all those
useless knobs and dials, for instance) but it's still software and it
still has bugs. The good part about OpenBSD is the developers' focus
on correctness.

Placing correctness before features is such a fundamentally different
approach to what (most) other projects do, with such obvious results,
I'm amazed OpenBSD is still the only one doing it.

Oh well... enough of this OT ranting ;)

Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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