Chris Kuethe wrote:
> not if you're using sed...

or Perl. :-)

Anyway, ex-Linux user here...  I switched to OpenBSD after nearly a
decade of various "distros" because I got tired of recompiling kernels
with security patches and otherwise wasting much of my time searching
through outdated HOWTOs and "placeholder" man pages (no joke!)

And yeah, the command line is fun, but it's also invaluable.  I once
visited a Linux shop where they had this motto:  "automation is
excellence".  The founder was very proud of his motto, and kept
repeating it constantly.  But I think their sights were set much too
low, because automation is something that should be considered a given,
as without it any meaningful business operation falls apart after a
certain scale is reached.

Stephen Takacs   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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