Just a noob here (so take with a big grain of don't blame me), but if an
rm -rf /etc actually is what happened imho you'd need to REALLY want your
config files to spend the time attempting recovery.

/home should still persist just fine regardless of your partitioning
scheme unless you did something silly on day 1 like change the default
home to /etc/home.

You should wait for better minds than mine to confirm, but you could
probably either:

- Boot from an install media (CD, etc - I don't know if hd0a:/bsd.rd
would work in this case or not? List?) and (U)pgrade following
recommended procedures. You'd still need to start from a fresh /etc

- If you have the capability, you could toss the drive into another
device and mount your home partition to grab yer stuff.


> Hi list,
> Please someone help me I have deleted my /etc dir (rm
> -rf /etc), is there any way to recover it, or there is
> a way to recover my data stored in /home ???
> Rergards
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