2008/4/2, Josh Grosse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>  Looking at the patch 006 instructions, I note that it suggests you do a "make
>  build" but I believe that will only work if you've already built Xenocara 
> from
>  source before.   If you look at the man page for release(8) or the
>  /usr/src/xenocara/README file, you will see you should issue "make bootstrap"
>  and "make obj" before executing the "make build."
>  That might work.  If it does, let misc@ know that the patch documentation
>  needs those two commands added.

Yes you are right, doing

make bootstrap
make obj
make build

Successfully compiled today. This on a 4.2-release system that has
never compiled Xencara before.

This is reposted back to misc. Thanks for the help everyone!

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