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An explanation of what lead you to post it to ports@ would be
interesting, second one of those in a couple days, starting to
sound like something is unclear somewhere.

> Hey All,
>   I'm trying to install OpenBSD 4.2 and have created an ISO image using
> ISORecorder for XP. The creation of the image on the CD completed with no
> errors. When I boot from the CD to install...the script begins and I get
> some white text on blue background...but then the install stops at the
> following message:
> "cd0 at scsibus0 targ 1 lun 0: <HL-DT_ST, DVDRAM GSA-E50L, NE01> SCSI0
> 5/cdrom removalable"
> any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.

You have given us almost nothing to go on.


I notice you have a DVDRAM there.  I've only had one of those, and I
pulled it out of the machine it was in because it seemed to be defective.
I could be may be that only two people have ever tried to
install OpenBSD on a machine with a DVDRAM drive into OpenBSD, you and
me.  Or maybe you and I are the only owners of defective DVDRAM drives.

SO, first thing I'd try is to pull the DVDRAM drive out and use a
CD or DVD drive, see if that works better.  If so, let us know, I'll
look into my "defective" DVDRAM drive more.

If not, tell us SOMETHING about your computer, or (much) better yet,
just put a serial console on it and snag the boot output and let us
look.  Or type out a lot more of what you see on the screen.  Put the
digicam down, I'm not looking.


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