
>  So if you think it would be handy if you could remotely shutdown your
>  whole network from the Firewall you may could code the daemon right now
>  'course the protocol itself is not "patented".


Probably the windows machines lying on the network are already
shutting down to apply hourly security fixes.

This argument about "integration" with MS code is leading OpenBSD to
nowhere, IMO.

I like pf, I like the developers decision for "correctness", and I like the
way engineers and coders created and enhanced UNIX.

Why to mess something that's working properly for 20+ years for
the sake of integration?

If MS had a minimal interest on integration, they should have read
implemented POSIX in a useful manner on their OS at least one
decade ago.

Now, all I can say is MS can keep its code for itself. My choice is clear.

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