Dear OpenBSD Users

A short while ago, Owain Ainsworth's (oga@) laptop was stolen.  As
you all know, oga@ is working on DRI/DRM and on X11 (xenocara)
together with Matthieu Herrb.

With the general hackathon in Edmonton just ante portas, this brings
oga in the very uncomfortable position to have no laptop to hack on.
But oga's work is crucial for the X11 support on OpenBSD.

His laptop was insured, but the insurance will only cover 1000 british
pounds whereas a replacement will cost 1700 british pounds.  We are
short of 700 pounds.  oga knows exactly what model of laptop he needs,
these figures are accurate.  Being a PhD student, he needs the
community's help.

If you think you can step in and help oga and the project, then please
contact me off-list.  We can accept donations by wire, Visacard and
Mastercard (creditcard fees are covered by my company).

I started myself by tossing in CHF 200 (approx $ 200).

(And any excess money would go as a donation to OpenBSD, btw.)

Marc Balmer

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