On Thu, 17 Jul 2008, Marc Espie wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 09:30:02AM -0500, L. V. Lammert wrote:
> > If a command line tool like git has a 'GUI Helper', then that package is
> > broken (which, I believe, is the case in this situation).
> You don't get it, so I'll explain it.
Yes, I DO get it, but, unfortunately, you don't. Having an 'X' version of
something as fundamental as a version control system is just plain dumb.
That has nothing to do with flavors! What if CVS required X? I doubt it
would be in the tree for more than 30 seconds, if it got committed at all.

As the maintainer explained some time ago, there has been a no-X11 version
of GIT since April, so the question is, really, why that isn't the
package. Good suggestion, I think you would agree.

In any case, it's in the maintainer's hands, as he has control. The point
of the discussion was to suggest that the no-X11 version BE the default
package, and I think that point has been made.


 Leland V. Lammert            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Chief Scientist        Omnitec Corporation
 Network/Internet Consultants www.omnitec.net

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