On 17.07-15:35, Nick Guenther wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Edd Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > If you get java awt rendering animations half as decently as the
> > official flash plugin, I would be suprised!
[ ... ]
> Flash is definitely faster. [ ... ]

i agree with the "faster" point but the key issue with java is not
getting it to render stuff well, it is with the amount of effort
required to actually develop the application.  flash has cool tools
for animating 2D objects, and performing interactions with them; java
requires you to write a shit load of code for the same effect.  i'm
sure SUN was/is hoping that someone will develop a java based animation
toolkit to compete with flash but that's yet to happen.

in short, flash is a good tool.  we'll all look forward to the day
that the formats, behaviours and protocols are opened so that we can
implement a native, opensource viewer.


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