On Wed, 23 Jul 2008 20:41:05 -0300
Vinicius Vianna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Maybe the only value would be to merge a new rule without returning all 
> tables to default as in the situation that you have changed a table and 
> if you run pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf the table will get back to original values?
> Never had to use it too, but someone may need it sometime?

That's what I was assuming but no.  As Henning sez it sets only options 
and requires a reload of the ruleset anyways... which doesn't buy anything
over writing a new ruleset and loading it.  I'd guess it's some incomplete
functionality that has found no strong justification to finnish.  

> Henning Brauer escreveu:
> > hmm that is broken.

That turns out to have been finger fumbling on my part...


> >
> > not that i really see value in -m

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