On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 9:05 PM, Nick Holland
> Nick Guenther wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 11:22 PM, Nick Holland
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Besides, the finished flash drive is wonderfully useful. :)
>>> (I've got a 4G, partitioned out as 2G OpenBSD, 2G FAT32, which is
>>> bootable on OpenBSD and still usable as a Windows flash drive,
>>> as well.  Only problem I have is I keep buying the super-cheap
>>> flash drives which work great until you sit on them.)
>>> (the "proper" solution is to boot OpenBSD (inc. off a CDROM
>>> or floppy), partition and format the media, install MBR, install
>>> kernel, install /boot, install PBR.  If you can do that without
>>> error, you can probably skip the OpenBSD install script, just
>>> manually copy files onto your target machine.  i.e., not worth
>>> the effort, probably.  I know how to do it, and I rarely do so
>>> without error).
>> Hey Nick,
>> Inspired by you (and the realization "hey, I've got a 20$ 4gig
>> thumbdrive now because I'm in the FUTAR"), today I set about making
>> myself one of these. I made a 2gig OpenBSD a partition, and a 2gig FAT
>> i partition using OpenBSD's newfs_msdos. The trouble is, Windows Vista
>> doesn't want to recognize it. It sees the partition, of course, but
>> claims it's unformatted. I set the partition ID in the MBR to 0B
>> initially, then to 0C, and then to 06 (which is what another flash
>> drive that vista does recognize has on it) but none of these made
>> Vista recognize it. I'm assuming the problem is that OpenBSD wrote the
>> FAT wrong, so I'm wondering how it was that you formatted your drive.
>> Did you just get windows to do it for you?
>> -othernick
> Actually, it's a bug in windows.  Whodda thunk? :)
> The problem is Windows sees a "removable" device, and it is ready for
> multiple partitions...but it only seems to recognize the FIRST
> partition as something than it could work with.  So..it tries to make
> sense of the OpenBSD partition, fails, and doesn't look past it to
> see the Windows partition.
> SO, the secret is to put your Windows partition on the flash media
> first, then OpenBSD.


stupid Windows!

Thanks for the tip, I'll try this tonight.

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