I did some additional tests : pings using link-local addresses work
"out-of-the-box", whether the target is hme0 or le0, but the problem
remains with public addresses (2000::/3)

On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 2:36 PM, dermiste <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi misc,
> my ISP is kind enough to provide native IPv6 access, so I'd like to
> have a full-IPv6 intranet.
> IPv6 addresses are assigned with rtadv and IPv4 with DHCP
> The setup :
> curry: OpenBSD-current, Thinkpad x41.
>  /etc/hostname.bge0:
>    up
>  /etc/hostname.vlan0:
>    vlan 0 vlandev bge0 up
>    rtsol
>  /etc/hostname.vlan1:
>    vlan 1 vlandev bge0 up
>    dhcp NONE NONE NONE
> debruijn: OpenBSD-4.3, Sun Ultra 1.
>  /etc/hostname.le0:
>    dhcp NONE NONE NONE
>    up
>    rtsol
>  /etc/hostname.hme0
>    lladdr 08:00:20:68:54:b1 up  #by default hme0's ll@ equals le0's ll@
>  /etc/hostname.vlan0
>    vlan 0 vlandev hme0 up
>  /etc/hostname.vlan1
>    inet vlan 1 vlandev hme0 up
>  /etc/bridgename.bridge0
>    add le0
>    add vlan0
>    up
> (plus nat on le0 inet from !(le0) -> (le0))
>      [Teh Intartubz]
>             !
>             !
>             !
> +-------------------------+
> |           le0           |
> |     +------+            |
> |  bridge0                |
> |     !                   |
> |   vlan0         vlan1   |
> |     +------+------+     |
> |           hme0          |
> +-------------------------+
>             !
>             !
>             !
>       [my network]
> If it's not clear enough, vlan 0 is for IPv6 and vlan 1 for IPv4, so I
> can bridge vlan0 and le0.
> debruijn boots cleanly, gets all its adresses and routes, both v6 and v4.
> curry boots cleanly, gets all its addresses and routes, both v6 and v4
> then :
> 1) from curry, I try to ping6 debruijn, but it says host unreachable
> 2) from debruijn, I try to ping6 curry, and it works.
> 3) from curry, I try to ping6 debruijn, and it works.
> I tcpdump'ed hme0, vlan0 and bridge0 during curry boot, and the
> packets flow through all 3, showing DHCP on vlan1 and rtadv on vlan0 +
> bridge0.
> During the pings, not a single packet goes through bridge0 or vlan0,
> but I've a lot of ICMPv6 neighbor sol on hme0 from curry during 1),
> then a successful neighbor sol - neighbor adv from debruijn to curry
> followed by echo requests and replies on hme0 during 2), then the same
> pattern from curry to debruijn on hme0 during 3).
> I really can't see what's wrong with my setup, clues anyone ?
> --
> Vincent Gross
> "So, the essence of XML is this: the problem it solves is not hard, and
> it does not solve the problem well." -- Jerome Simeon & Phil Wadler

Vincent Gross

"So, the essence of XML is this: the problem it solves is not hard, and
it does not solve the problem well." -- Jerome Simeon & Phil Wadler

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