On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 7:47 PM, Francisco Valladolid Hdez.
> --- thacrazze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I put the openbsd.pbr to C: and made an entry in the
>> C:/boot.ini
>> Can someone help me how to start OpenBSD correctly?
> OpenBSD partition must be active (flag) and try using
> GAG software.
> http://gag.sourceforge.net
> I'm using OpenBSD 4.4 Beta and XP together.

No, this is a lie! -Windows- must be the active partition for the
setup he is going for (using NTLDR to boot).
You set Windows to be active so that the BIOS boots Window's
bootloader (NTLDR), and then that reads C:\boot.ini and sees the
options for the second stage bootloader:
and then it jumps into one of those.
It's true, you could use GAG or GRUB or LILO or something else, but
doesn't it seem more elegant to just rely on the base systems?

The hardest part about doing this is using dd properly to slice out
openbsd.pbr because it's one of those cases where if you get almost
any character wrong then it'll seem to work until you paste it into
Windows and try to use it and at best it mysteriously hangs, at worst
it sings the death chant of kalla-kern and zombies rise from under
your server room tiles.


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